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قديم 28-07-2022, 10:59 AM
بي جروب بي جروب غير متواجد حالياً
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تاريخ التسجيل: May 2022
المشاركات: 1
افتراضي 3 Reasons Youtube Comments Matter to Brands

Some Youtube creators and brands on Youtube choose to disable the comment feature to avoid any unpleasant comments.

However, brands that do so are missing out on many benefits from enabling Youtube users to post comments.

The best digital marketing agencies in Egypt are well aware of the advantages of Youtube’s comment section and make the best use of it.

Why are Youtube Comments Important?

1- Engagement

Enabling Youtube comments will allow Youtube users to leave comments on your video, leading to increased engagement rates.

Engagement is vital regarding your youtube video for several reasons. However, it mainly shows that your video is helpful to others. You can also post a comment asking a question and pin it to ensure that viewers will reply.

2- Inspiration for Content

Another great reason to leave the comments section functioning is to get inspiration for future content.

Youtube users usually comment requesting specific videos or show interest in certain items. So, the comments section is a good place for brands to see what interests people and use that knowledge in content creation and data collection about the target audience.

3- Feedback

Another great advantage to Youtube’s comment section is that youtube users write their honest opinions about products, services, or any other matter.

Negative comments indicate that customers are unsatisfied, so you must implement a strategy to answer and eliminate these issues.

Overall, Youtube comments make viewers feel they are interacting with individuals and not a machine; enabling your comment section as a brand will make you more approachable.
Further reading : the best SEO company in Egypt
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