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أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 17-08-2008, 09:37 PM
الصورة الرمزية htan
htan htan غير متواجد حالياً
عضو نشيط
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2008
المشاركات: 131
9 Higer Dimensional Levels

The word dimension is just a name given to the concept of reality levels. "3d" is just a name given to describe or represnt your current world around you. you are tuned to a 3 dimensional world. Virtual reality video games are game are games that are trying to give you the feeling of this 3rd dimensional world within a computer simulated scene. but as i said , not only are you in the 3rd dimension now, but you are also in the 10th, 4th, or whatever dimension at the same time. so if you are within all higher dimensions now, then why can't you see or experience them?
you simply can't see or experience other dimensions because you are not tuned to them. It's just like a televison. You can't see or experience channel 11 when you are tuned to channel 4. The same with a radio you can't listen to 103 Fm when you are tuned to 93 Fm. take a look at your FM radio dial sometime. Notice it shows the frequencies in MHz 103 Mhz Mbc is in one place and 102 MHz is in another place. If you are listening to 103FM Mbc and you want to lis to the other , you have to change the frequency. Experiencing other dimensions works in exactly the same wa. You have to change the wavelenght of what you are now to where you want to be. In simpler words, the difference between dimensional worlds is their wavelenght.
at the end ....try to read all the message i will write, i will let you know how you change your wavelenght to see higher or different dimensions. it's like riding a bike. you are not really riding it until you are moving but pushing one foot down forward on one of the pedals is the start of the process . to change your awareness starts the same. see you next....have a nice day- htan
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