اكبر بحيرة سعودية اختفت بالصور
اكبر بحيرة سعودية اختفت بالصور
بلدةَ ليلى تقع في منطقةِ الأفلاج من المملكة العربية السعودية، تبعد تقريباً بحوالي 350 كيلوا متراً جنوب غرب الرياض. ومن ناحية المنطقة الجنوبية الشرقية من ليلى توجد بحيرة طبيعية هي الأكبر في جزيرة العرب . بناء على أقوال عالم عمل في أرامكوا منذ ثلاثين سنة يقول ، تشكلت البحيرة بفعل مياه الأمطار التي سقطت على جبال عسير ، وانتقل الماء من خلال صدوع تحت الأرض إلى أن تكونت البحيرة . مما جعل منطقة الأفلاج غنية بالزراعة . he town of Layla lies in the Aflaj region of Saudi Arabia, which is approximately 350 km (217 miles) by road southwest of Riyadh. A few kilometers southeast of Layla was the largest permanent natural lake on the Arabian peninsula. According to a paleontologist who had worked at Aramco for 30 years, the lake was formed from water which fell on the Asir mountain range, to the far west, and traveled underground along a fault line in two major rock formations. The lake occurred at a point where the fault line pierced the earth's surface. The same geological structure provided much of the water for the Aflaj area, making it a rich agricultural region. In the late '70's and early '80's, the lake provided recreational opportunities for expatriates living in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. As pictured, the lake, which was approximately 2 km (1.2 miles) long by .75 km (.4 miles) wide, provided ample opportunity for water-skiing. It was also a suitable venue for fresh-water scuba diving. At 20 meters (22 yards) underwater, due to the minerals in the water, it would appear perfectly translucent in all directions. Saudi nationals living in the region also utilized the lake for recreational purposes, as they undoubtedly had done for centuries. "Holiday Chalets" were even constructed along the south side of the lake. Unfortunately, beginning around 1983 the water level began to decline. By 1989 it was down almost 20 meters (22 yards). By the mid-90's there was only a meter or so of water left, a dramatic 35-40 meter (38-44 yards) decline in the water table. By 1997 it was completely dry. Where did all the water go? A favorite quip is that it was transported to Riyadh, in all those bright red GMC pick-up trucks which carried the watermelons grown throughout the Aflaj region. A quip, which contained more than a grain of truth. The lake's disappearance is a very visual reflection of the dramatic lowering of the water table due to agricultural use, as true in the Aflaj region of Saudi Arabia as it is in the Great Plains states of the United States. It will be a significant, but doable challenge, to the younger generation of Saudi nationals, to restore this most unique spot on the map of the Arabian peninsula to its former condition. وإليكم الصور بالترتيب منذ عام 1980 إلى 2002 م صور البحيرة في عام 1980 م حيث المكان المناسب للغطسِ والتزحلقِ على الماء ، مساحتها 2 كيلوا متراً طولاً وعرضها 750 متراً ( الموقع ذكر العرض 75 كيلوا متراً ربما هي 7 كيلوا أو 750 متراً والله أعلم ) حيث أنها مياه صافية تناسب الغطس على مسافة 20 متراً ، وترى كل شيء بوضوح من جميع الاتجاهات على هذه المسافة، وكان مكاناً جميلاً للأجانب الغربيين وكذلك المواطنين السعوديين . Lake Layla 1980 Water Skiing 1980 Kashtah picnic 1980 What Lake 1996 Extinction 2002
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الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 1 ( الأعضاء 0 والزوار 1) | |
المواضيع المتشابهه | ||||
الموضوع | كاتب الموضوع | المنتدى | مشاركات | آخر مشاركة |
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اكبر بحيرة سعودية اختفت بالصور. | ابو رتال | غرائب حوادث و عجائب | 2 | 31-05-2005 03:00 AM |